
5月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

Pesticide Discussion Forum Summary Digest (Ernest)

Issue 11 of 2020 Forum Date: 30 July 2020 Pesticide Discussion Forum Summary Digest SADC GUIDELINES ON PESTICIDES MANAGEMENT AND RISK REDUCTION Food safety risk managers and policy-makers charged with protecting public health and safety are working in an ever more complex world. They must make sound choices to address public health risks but there are often economic, social and political impacts that also need to be considered. Stakeholder perspectives and views must be taken into account, and decision processes are often subject to media attention. Faced with this complexity, risk managers and policy-makers can be aided by structured methods that are based on multiple decision factors. About the Presenter   Nkoum Metou’ou Ernest currently works as an Agricultural Engineer (Direction of Regul...


  It has been a wonderful mango season from December-May here in Kenya. The average proportion of this delicious fruit that goes into waste ranges between 30-50%. A huge amount of waste therefore ends up accumulating during industrial processing causing serious disposal problem. You know who gets excited at the sound of this waste? You guessed right! It’s the black soldier fly. Ideally these useful insects would go to lay eggs in waste left lying around and these eggs would soon after turn into maggots which I’m sure you have encountered in a huge pile of garbage before. We sought to commercially utilize this waste which includes peels, kernels, leftover pulp and rejected whole mangoes which are all rich in many useful nutrients for BSF larvae. In the picture it was a sunny day at a mango dumpsite. We collected enough waste to feed the larvae. I hope you laughed a little at the pun on the title.

Algae appear in the field (Sagae)

 Soon after introduced water to paddy fields, we can see the appear filamentous algae(Blue-green algae). It means the algae can grow very quickly and has a high potential to win a competition with other micro or macrophyte. Then it may make a good environment and provides feed for algal grazers like snails, mayflies larvae, and chironomids. The initial condition of organisms will affect the ecosystem. So now is the starting time to research. I will start new study from this year, I will be busier and busier more than previous. I really hope to get good data for a nice thesis.    水田に水を入れた直後、アオミドロが発生します。それはつまりアオミドロは最も早くに成長しほかの植物や藻類との競争を勝ち抜くポテンシャルを持っています。さらにこれらは生き物の棲みかや藻食者の餌になる可能性があります。このような初期の生物相は生態系に大きな影響を与えているかもしれません。という事で今年も調査の時間がやってきました。私は今年から新たな研究がスタートするのでより忙しい時期が待っている事でしょう。今年こそは良いデータが取れる事を切に願っています。


  The Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet. Maybe the pandemic won't end any time soon. This causes many activities to stop, one of which is activities for study abroad, scientific conferences and other activities that require a transfer of places. However, currently technological advances do not limit in space and time. Some of the applications today are very helpful for us to work anywhere and meet people around the world. Including our current lab which often invites guests from various regions in Japan and outside Japan. Even other foreign students can still participate in our lab activities remotely. I think a pandemic provides a lesson that is that nothing is impossible, the real winner is he who is able to get through the crisis. Like the picture, this is an application that I must have during a pandemic. The development of applications like this allows us to work from anywhere.

Weeding in a field

  I weed the grass in a field with Isikawasan in the afternoon.I participated lecture of mower in April but it was very difficult when I actually worked on it.  I couldn't weeding the grass well, and I was scared, so I couldn't do it well at first.  B ut I gradually got used to it.After weeding, Cultivation is carried out, and then observation begins in earnest. I want to observe insects and growing conditions, and deepen my understanding of peppers and cabbage. Thank you very much for your reading. 今日の午後、石川さんと一緒に圃場の除草をしました。4月に草刈り機の講習を受けて使い方を学びましたが、実際に作業を行ってみるととても難しかったです。うまく草を刈れなかったり、恐怖心があったりして最初は上手く行きませんでしたが徐々に慣れることができました。草刈り後、耕起をしてこれから本格的に害虫や生育状況の観察が始まりますが、方法や目的を明確にして楽しくおこなっていきたいです。 Writer: Mao Onodera

BSF around chicken compost

Near the chicken compost, BSF adult have not been yet in this year. These days, the temperature is increasing and other diptera are flying. But BSF are not appeared. Average temperature is almost 20 in May, So I think I can see adult after rainy season. About laboratory rearing, Previously I had some eggs (not so many). After this that I can not have larvae. These days I think about the reason. Nutrient status while they are larvae, temperature, other environment, and drying the surface of feed. I think there are a lot of reason. Anyway I will try some improvement. 堆肥近くでいまだにミズアブが出てこないという状況がいまだに続いています。蛹はだいぶ前から地表には上がっていたのですが、まだ成虫は出てきていません。そろそろ気温も上がってきて、ほかの種類のハエは飛んでいるのですが、なぜかミズアブは出てきません。この調子だと自然に発生するミズアブを観察できるのは梅雨明けになるかもしれないと考えているここ最近です。ミズアブの研究室飼育ですが、前回少数の卵を入手したのですが、そのあと幼虫が出てこなかったので、何が原因なのか考えています。今のところ思い浮かぶだけでも、幼虫時の栄養状態や飼育時の温度、環境、幼虫用の餌の乾燥など様々あります。もう少し頑張って続けてみようと思います。

Unlimited possibility (Sato)

The fish has been back to the sea. The fish is a black sea bream. I love them for a pet, food, and anything more?? Well, the taste is not the best for me as a fish, and the best one for eating is Mackerels, in Japanese Saba. BTW, the black sea bream is Kuro dai in Japanese. Anyway, this fish in the pic is now in the sea. It was so small when it was fished by me more than a year ago. It was injured but recovered very well. But I could not have it anymore in my small aquarium. OK fish, you are now free, hope you enjoy your life in the world with unlimited possibility. But, now I have learned even the individual collected from a certain place should never be released again in the same site. It is very right if you consider the unlimited possibilities. I really see. クロダイを放流した。由良の海でとったときはまだ稚魚だった(まだ稚魚か?)。それが今では大分大きくなり、これ以上は私の家の小さい水槽では飼育できなくなったのだ。いや、本当はまだ大丈夫だけど、同居してるフグをつっついてつっいて、フグがウツっぽくなってしまったので。。フグはヒガンフグといって比較的おとなしい。食べるとうまいらしいし。ま、由良の海でとって、全く同じ場所に逃がすので、まぁいいか、と思ったら、、、同じところでもやらないほうが良い、とのこと今学びま...

Bradysia impatiens: one of black fungus gnats (Ishikawa)

  Bradysia impatiens: one of black fungus gnats (Ishikawa) Today, I will introduce Black Fungus Gnat which I am studying about same as before. In japan, black fungus gnats are known as nuisance come to foliage plant by some people. And there are many types of black fungus gnats and some of them damage various agricultural crops. According to Kobayashi(2018), damages to facility garden crops such as cucumber, melon and flower by Bradysia impatiens, one of black fungus gnats have reported in Japan. In recent years, problems of Bradysia impatiens have reported at Mie prefecture(1998), Nagano prefecture(2004), Nagasaki prefecture(2008) and Ibaraki prefecture(2014). Kobayashi(2018) use oil meal to collect and rear Bradysia impatiens used for experiment. The other day, I added oil meal into the soil of soybean plant I cultivate outdoor. I could find many flies compared to before. 今回も自分が研究対象にしているクロバネキノコバエのことを紹介します。日本では観葉植物によってくる迷惑なコバエとして知られていますが、クロバネキノコバエにも多くの種類がいて、その種類によって様々な農作物を加害する...