
1月, 2022の投稿を表示しています

Locust as a source of food and feed (Rahima)

I came across a pack of roasted locusts at the store the other day and decided to check their nutritional value and study a bit more about them. Locusts are a type of insect from the family Acrididae . They are known to swarm in huge numbers and can travel great distances, causing considerable damage to crops. However, in many African, Middle Eastern, and Asian countries, locusts are considered a delicacy and eaten in abundance. Locusts are an excellent source of protein and contain a variety of fatty acids and minerals. Although not considered palatable by most Americans and Europeans, locusts are an important food source in many other countries.   According to the book "Insects" by Steve Parker, species of locusts vary in protein content from about 50 percent of dry weight to almost 60 percent, making them denser in protein than cows . Researchers have also noted that the cholesterol content in locusts is high, about 286 milligrams per 100 grams, which is higher than th...

Mao:spread of COVID-19 infection

 Good evening all. Today, I would like to write about the spread of COVID-19. As the spread of the coronavirus continues into the sixth wave, our lives have also changed dramatically.Yamagata Prefecture has also taken measures to prevent the spread of the virus, which has affected restaurants in many ways, including the time-saving operation of restaurants.Omicron strains are so highly infectious that you don't know when or where they will be infected.Therefore, I want to live a careful life with masks and disinfection. Also, I want to improve my immune system by living a regular life. Thank you for your reading. コロナウイルスの拡大が第6波まで広がり、私たちの生活はまた大きくへんかしています。山形県でも、蔓延防止措置が取られ、飲食店の時間短縮営業など様々な面で影響がでています。オミクロン株は感染力が非常に強いので、いつどこど感染してしまうか分かりません。だから、マスクと消毒をしっかりとし気をつけて生活をしていきたいです。また、規則正しい生活をして免疫力を高めていきたいです。 Writer Mao


Insects have a variety of methods for surviving the freezing winter temperatures. Migration is an example of a strategy used for escaping the freezing temperatures .  The Monarch Butterfly is well known for this strategy; crop pests also utilize this strategy. Overwintering as larvae is another common strategy where insects successfully pass the winter as immature larvae. The protection of heavy covers of leaf litter or similar shelters protect the woolly bear caterpillar, while other insects replace the water in their bodies with glycerol which acts as an antifreeze. Other larvae usually burrow deeper into the soil to escape the cold. The nymph stage is also known to have overwintering behaviour. Not many insects are active in the winter, but the nymphs of dragonflies, mayflies and stoneflies live in waters of ponds and streams, often beneath ice. They feed actively and grow all winter to emerge as adults in early spring. Overwintering as Eggs .  Lesser numbers of ins...

Japan Fever (Sandi)

  It’s almost 6 months since I have been waiting for my departure to Japan. I’m not going to lie that I have been dreaming to be in Japan several times, then I woke up and realized it’s just another dream. In those dreams I was eating some Japanese cuisines, playing snow, and walking home from the university, it felt so real. Since I’m still in Indonesia, the only thing I can “medicate” my Japan fever is to eat some Japanese cuisines. Ramen, Udon, and Sushi are the most famous Japanese cuisines here. Udon and Ramen are my pills and also the easiest to be found here. So, whenever I had a dream about Japan then it’s a signal for looking at the pills. Hopefully, this year, sooner I can fully “heal” my Japan fever, and also it’s a brand new year, so I wish you, everyone, who reads this a great year ahead and may bless in health and happiness!


International Training Program on Food Safety Quality Assurance systems and                                                                   Risk Analysis.   OCCURRENCE AND RiSK ASSESSEMENT OF AFLATOXIN B1 IN DRY MAIZE SOLD IN THE RETAIL MARKET OF THE  CAPITAL  CITY OF YAOUNDE By   NKOUM METOU’OU ERNEST                  (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Cameroon) Promoter:     Prof. Dr. Ir Liesbeth Jacxens        Prof. Dr. Ir. Bruno De Meulenaer   Case study 2; Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for ITP Food   Safety   Quality Assurance systems and Risk Analysis   December/12/2018. ABSTRACT   This study was supposed to...

Black soldier fly and mushroom (Ishikawa)

  Black soldier fly contributes on decreasing of food waste and can be used as feed for animals. Food waste is, for example unsold packed lunch, vegetable waste and so on. Mushroom also have part removed at food processing. It is called ‘ root waste ‘ generally. Mushroom farmer said root waste can be converted into compost but efficiency is not good because it has high moisture. It is originally part of mushroom we usually eat and contains similar nuturients. Mushroom is a food containing vitamins and has low calory. It means that many amount of root waste can be consumed by bsf larvae. アメリカミズアブの幼虫は食品残差の処理に貢献し、それを経て成長した個体は動物の餌として利用されます。食品残渣はコンビニ弁当の売れ残り、食品加工の際に出る野菜くずなどのことです。私が興味を持っているきのこにも、加工の際にはじかれる部位があります。それは一般に石突きと呼ばれます。私がお世話になっているきのこ農家さんは、石突きは堆肥化できるが水分含量が高いので効率が悪いと言っていました。しかしそれは元はきのこの一部であり私達が普段口にしているものとほとんど同じ栄養を含んでいます。きのこはビタミン類を多く含んでいる低カロリーな食べ物です。低カロリーということは、言い換えれば、他の食品と比べて多くの量をアメリカミズアブの幼虫に処理してもらえるということではないでしょうか。

New year (Sato)

 New year, and we make it happy, always we say a happy new year with some hope for a good year. Winter is very severe for us often, especially for the people living in north-facing Japan-sea. Every day we see a cloudy sky, very chilly, and windy weather. In this region, it is said the snow falls from the ground, but not from the sky, suggesting very strong wind in the wintertime. And this is why we really wait for the spring, which is very beautiful for the people under the pressure of snowy weather. We know the spring is coming soon. 新年あけましておあめでとう、この時期よく言いますが、特にこの地域に住む人にとっては、春への期待が込められていますね。毎日、吹雪、曇り、雪、雪かき、研究室でもガラス室を守るため、日々雪かきです。コロナ禍なので集団作業はせず、単独作業を連携して行います。まぁなんだかんだいって一か月すると雪は大分減りますからね、もうすぐです。