Locust as a source of food and feed (Rahima)
I came across a pack of roasted locusts at the store the other day and decided to check their nutritional value and study a bit more about them. Locusts are a type of insect from the family Acrididae . They are known to swarm in huge numbers and can travel great distances, causing considerable damage to crops. However, in many African, Middle Eastern, and Asian countries, locusts are considered a delicacy and eaten in abundance. Locusts are an excellent source of protein and contain a variety of fatty acids and minerals. Although not considered palatable by most Americans and Europeans, locusts are an important food source in many other countries. According to the book "Insects" by Steve Parker, species of locusts vary in protein content from about 50 percent of dry weight to almost 60 percent, making them denser in protein than cows . Researchers have also noted that the cholesterol content in locusts is high, about 286 milligrams per 100 grams, which is higher than th...