Waterfowl population is becoming the concern among researcher and environmentalist. The population decrease caused by the decreasing of wetlands number. In 1971, The Ramsar Convention was adopted where many countries agree to preserve with wise of wetlands, especially for waterfowls. The agreement held in Iran and Japan one of participant. The Ramsar Convention advocates the wise use of wetland by human or industries needs in harmony with the environmental. In Oyama area, Shimo-ike was built for agricultural purpose but this lake also become habitat for more than 20.000 birds, for instance swans, wild ducks and wild geese. This reservoir meet the standard of the Ramsar Convention and registered as the first Ramsar site in Yamagata Prefecture. To access this place you can use car, public bus or bicycle. If you use bicycle like me, it will take 20-30 minute there. My recommendation, please come in the autumn time closed with the winter season as you will see many waterfowls here. Ho...