BSF journal review (Ishikawa)


Black Soldier Fly (BSF) is a kind of fly native to south America. Today, it distributes to not only America continent but also Asia, Oceania, Africa and Europe area. This fly is attractive because it consumes food waste and can be used as animal feed. It is said that one adult oviposits egg cluster including 400 to 800 eggs. Some researchers in Japan investigates how much 5 kinds of food waste, vegetable, fruit, carbohydrate such as rice, fish and meat can be consumed by BSF larvae. According to the study, vegetable, fruit and carbohydrate are suitable for food waste reduction by BSF larvae. They described that protein content of food affects the weight of larva consuming it. Actually, the result showed larvae consuming mix food containing 5 kinds of food were heavier than those consuming simple food. It is thought that it is because of low protein content in vegetable and fruit and high protein in fish and meat.



Pierre-Olivier MAQUART, Denis RICHARD & Jesse WILLEMS., 2020. First record of the Black Soldier Fly, Hermetia illucens, in the Western regions of France (Vendee, Loire-Atlantique, Ille-et-Vilaine) with notes on its worldwide repartition (Diptera, Stratiomyidae). Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France 125(1): 13-18

Eawag., 2017. Black Soldier Fly Biowaste Processing. Sandec: Department of Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development

・平康博章, 瀬山智博, 和智中是, 吉田弦, 笠井浩司, 藤谷泰裕., 2017. アメリカミズアブ幼虫による処理に適した食品廃棄物. 大阪府立環農水研報 4:1~5




Locust as a source of food and feed (Rahima)

Full vaccination(Sagae)