
4月, 2022の投稿を表示しています

transmission of schistosomes to human by snails (ERNEST)

  Transmission potential of human schistosomes can be driven by resource competition among snail intermediate hosts. Predicting and disrupting transmission of human parasites from wildlife hosts or vectors remains challenging because ecological interactions can influence their epidemiological traits. Human schistosomes, parasitic flatworms that cycle between freshwater snails and humans, typify this challenge. Human exposure risk, given water contact, is driven by the production of free-living cercariae by snail populations. Conventional epidemiological models and management focus on the density of infected snails under the assumption that all snails are equally infectious. However, individual-level experiments contradict this assumption, showing increased production of schistosome cercariae with greater access to food resources. We built bioenergetics theory to predict how resource competition among snails drives the temporal dynamics of transmission potential to humans and tested...


  In BSF production processes, it is important to achieve the highest larval survival possible in order to reduce the demand for eggs and to achieve more efficiency in production. Previous small-scale studies have shown that BSFL mortality could depend on the substrate, temperature, and high water content in the substrate. BSFL mortality has been assessed in studies where there was a comparison between the different scales and densities, which also influence substrate temperature. The observed mortality values vary in different studies. For example, Myers et al. have grown the larvae on pig manure and observed more than 20% mortality, and Nguyen et al. have observed mortality values ranging from 20% to 50% based on the feed used, while Oonincx et al.also observed much higher values. The interaction between mortality and temperature is indeed an interesting topic for future research

In Spring

 Hell everyone.I am Mao. The cherry blossoms finally bloomed in Tsuruoka in spring.I became a 4 graduate student. And I currently preparing for my graduation research and doing for a job hunting.The graduation research is based on the Black Solder Fly.From now on, I would like to learn a lot about the Black Solder Fly and proceed with it systematically.Job hunting is about to begin in earnest, and I will conduct interviews and competency tests.I want to think about the future and pursue job hunting for the longest working life. Thank you for the reading. 春になりついに鶴岡でも桜がさきました。私は4年生になり、現在卒業研究の準備と就職活動を行っています。卒業研究はアメリカミズアブを研究テーマにしています。これからアメリカミズアブについてたくさん知り、計画的に進めていきたいです。就職活動はこれから本格的に始まります。これから、面接や適性検査が行われていきます。 社会人という1番長い人生を生きることになるのでこれからの社会人生活のために将来のことを考えてしっかり考えていきたいです。 Writer Mao