transmission of schistosomes to human by snails (ERNEST)
potential of human schistosomes can be driven by resource competition among
snail intermediate hosts.
Predicting and
disrupting transmission of human parasites from wildlife hosts or vectors
remains challenging because ecological interactions can influence their
epidemiological traits. Human schistosomes, parasitic flatworms that cycle
between freshwater snails and humans, typify this challenge. Human exposure
risk, given water contact, is driven by the production of free-living cercariae
by snail populations. Conventional epidemiological models and management focus
on the density of infected snails under the assumption that all snails are equally
infectious. However, individual-level experiments contradict this assumption,
showing increased production of schistosome cercariae with greater access to
food resources. We built bioenergetics theory to predict how resource
competition among snails drives the temporal dynamics of transmission potential
to humans and tested these predictions with experimental epidemics and
demonstrated consistency with field observations. This resource-explicit
approach predicted an intense pulse of transmission potential when snail
populations grow from low densities, i.e., when per capita access to resources
is greatest, due to the resource-dependence of cercarial production. The
experiment confirmed this prediction, identifying a strong effect of infected
host size and the biomass of competitors on per capita cercarial production. A
field survey of 109 waterbodies also found that per capita cercarial production
decreased as competitor biomass increased. Further quantification of snail
densities, sizes, cercarial production, and resources in diverse transmission
sites is needed to assess the epidemiological importance of resource
competition and support snail-based disruption of schistosome transmission.
More broadly, this work illustrates how resource competition can sever the
correspondence between infectious host density and transmission potential.
J. Civitello, Teckla Angelo, Karena H. Nguyen, +9 , Rachel B. Hartman, Naima
C. Starkloff, Moses P. Mahalila, Jenitha Charles, Andres Manrique, Bryan K. Delius, L. M. Bradley, Roger M. Nisbet, Safari Kinung’hi, and Jason R. Rohr
Info & Affiliations
4, 2022 | 119 (6) e2116512119 |