Cleaning is one of good educations(Shirai)
The winter is approaching us, getting colder day by day. We start to cleanup around our environment such as greenhouse, storage, field. Especially field we did weed with a mower together. That is finish. Now just wait snowing. But the storage and greenhouse does not finish. So every week we fight with dust and our tiredness to prepare winter. This photo is the condition in outside storage. It become different with before, some meaningless tools stored but removed or discarded.
Anyway, how do you clean your room? This is a question. You just try without plan or with plan? This is the reason why I give this article the title "Cleaning is one of good educations".Please recall your childhood. For me, It is messy in my room because after putting some toys out I just keep them there. My mother told me off "clean up...!!!". In that time, I follow my mother or teacher says it will be good for me and others to make our space clean for good feeling. I continue to clean such a benefit until now, but sometimes I got other benefit for our life.
When we write something with severity, we must try to organize our idea like what is my main message, how to make writings understandable. Then the method of cleaning give us help. At first, we decide the key word that is most important, second, make a group with same contents, make an order for good story line...
Like these, in cleaning, I try to think "what is very important thing?"... "Yes, ease for using". "So, it should not be stacked with each items." I have already gotten some design in the storage this time. Next, I divided into groups, such as chemicals, machines, containers. If it is not enough to organize, I go to second step like same shapes. The tools is organizing... Finally place in each locations looks like okay and easy to access.
We can learn something in our daily life. Cleaning also one of them. Recalling our experiences, I believe this activity will train how we organize our thought for ease. Some of my seniors told me, "If your idea become complex, try to clean your room." This means cleaning works well to get our thoughts in order. We will be able to use this for education in the future also, I think.
Thank you very much for your reading.
Writer: Takuya Shirai