What the heavy snow taught me (Li)

 The winter in Tohoku area is very serious. Although my parents came from hot or tropical area, my favorite season is winter. Pure air and calm atmosphere make me relax. But the only thing I cannot stand is this heavy snow. This hateful snow prevent almost all of my living. It still doesn't matter as long as blocking my walking path. But they definitely crush the means of transportation. At the end, even water, which is the keystone of life, is taken away. On this three-day holiday snow covered Tsuruoka city. Unfortunately, I had run out of food, so I decided to go out to get some food. But the car was rejected by the snow and did not allow me to go far at all. And on the third day, the water stopped. These three days have taught me the fear of being robbed of useful things and the importance of preparation. Fortunately, the snow was clear today and the water will recover tonight. In terms of natural environment, here seems to be a polar region where humans cannot live. The human beings who spin history in such a place seem to be surprisingly tough.





Locust as a source of food and feed (Rahima)

Full vaccination(Sagae)