
6月, 2021の投稿を表示しています


(Economic partnership agreement between the Cameroonian products rejected in the European Union) Since 2016, we are witnessing a tightening of European legislation in the sanitary and phytosanitary field applicable to plants and plant products that enter the European area. This tightening has resulted in the establishment by the European Union (EU) of maximum allowable limits of certain pesticides such as chlorpyrifos, imazalil, chlorothalonil and ethephon among others. Clearly, the EU prohibits the use of these pesticides by producers wishing to export their products to the old continent. The problem? These pesticides are commonly used by Cameroonian farmers. This destroys any chance of trading in this market despite the dismantling of tariffs. An operator who took the risk of exporting coffee in the last quarter of 2020 on the Spanish territory has seen its five batches of 88 tons of coffee held and then refouled for the presence of chlorphyriphos, "we read. Indeed, we learn tha...

Black Gold (RAHIMA)

  The value of regular gold is normally beneficial to the sole owner only….right? The black gold I’m referring to is not literal gold, its way more valuable because it benefits a large chain of people. It’s more commonly known as frass which is a byproduct of BSF breaking down waste in artificial rearing setups. This by-product is a mixture of residues from the substrate used, insect excreta and exoskeletons shed by the larvae. Frass has great potential in being used to complement regular fertilizers or can be used entirely by themselves as soil amendments since it is rich in Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium which are all very useful in plant nourishment. The use BSF larvae shortens the period taken to compost waste as compared to using conventional methods of composting such as aerobic and anaerobic composting.  This fertilizer can be applied to vegetables, flowers and even fruit plants. The photo above shows the BSF frass that has been sieved to achieve a fine end product...

Experiment of B3

Today I Introduce of B3 experiment. From April to May, the cabbage and peppers sown grew bigger. So we moved to the farm. The purpose of this experiment is to find out what kind of effects a magazine has on seedling growth and pests.This picture shows a plot that doesn't crop magazines.All the seedlings are growing well so far.When the seedlings grow to a certain extent and grow bigger, I would like to observe them for the first time in earnest.I want to water it every day and watch the growth of the seedlings.Thank you for your reading. 今日は、3学年の研究紹介をします。4月から5月にかけて種を蒔いたキャベツとトウガラシが大きくなりました。だから、私たちは圃場に移しました。この実験の目的は雑誌があるプロットとないプロットで苗の成長や害虫にどのような影響があるのかということです。この写真は雑誌を刈り取らないプロットのものです。今のところ全ての苗が順調に成長しています。ある程度成長し苗が大きくなってきたら本格的に観察を初めていきたいと思います。毎日水やりを行い、苗の成長を見守っていきたいです。読んで頂きありがとうございます。 Writer: Mao

Study of dark-winged fungus gnats (Ishikawa)

 I am studying about dark-winged fungus gnats. Today, I will introduce the journal I read previously. It is the study conducted in South Africa. According to this journal, there are few studies about dark-winged fungus gnats. In the study, they found Bradysia impatiens which is one of the most prominent sciarid pests in greenhouses in the world and has recently been identified in South Africa. They found Bradysia impatiens in greenhouses of herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes, blueberries, mushrooms and chrysanthemums. The cucumber farm was the most heavily infested. They found Lycoriella sativae and Lycoriella ingenua in mushroom houses. Dark-winged fungus gnats are known to feed on the roots of plants and contaminate crops. I will keep studying about them. This is the picture of dark-winged fungus gnats I collected. 私はクロバネキノコバエの研究をしています。今日は以前に読んだ論文を紹介します。南アフリカで行われた研究です。その論文によると、南アフリカではクロバネキノコバエについての研究が極めて少ないようです。この研究では近年南アフリカで発見されたクロバネキノコバエの 1 種であり、世界的に存在する温室栽培での害虫である Bradysia impatie...

Beautiful moment is foever (Sato)

 In the morning today, I took a pic of a snail in the rice paddy field. Although I check the presence of the snails in the rice fields in the morning every day, the picture had not been taken often. Yesterday I was asked for some pics of snails by some official activity in the university, but could not show any good pics, therefore in this morning, I decided to take a good one.  And this is a very beautiful pic and the situation was really like this, exactly the same, or even better, as it was so nice morning today. I thank god and every presence who makes me studying such subject, snails, and recently BSF, a sort of fly. I think this year, I really can start one of my dream projects of study, and surely we all members enjoy with me, cheers.  今朝は大変に気持ちが良い朝でしたが、健康診断のため朝食をとれず、ふらふらしながら毎朝の田んぼウォークを一時間、まぁそれなりに楽しみました。タニシ他の生物を常に探しながら田んぼ道を歩きます。まぁ最近は多くは空や地平線に注目していましたが、今日は久しぶりに水中を注意して見ながら。この写真、いや実際はそれ以上に美しい瞬間、いや瞬間ではなくて、それが永遠と続くような、そんな美しい朝でした。

situation of rice production in Cameroon (Ernest)

Japan-Cameroon cooperation project for the development of irrigated and rainfed rice (PRODERIP) Only 2 years after the creation in 2011 of this project piloted by the Ministry of Agriculture, 78 tons of rainfed rice seeds have been produced and are available for the 6000 producers already trained in this new way of growing rice in the country. With a budget of 1.5 billion CFA francs, this project, which benefits from the technical support of the Japanese Development Agency (JICA), has seen its 3-year implementation period extended to 5 years, due to the encouraging results already obtained, according to sources. The objective of this extension, according to Proderip, is to reach the milestone of 9,000 producers trained in the cultivation of rainfed rice, which has the particularity of growing on dry land and not exclusively in irrigated areas as is the case with traditional seed varieties. In addition, Proderip experts point out, rainfed rice, which currently produces around 48,000 ton...


  The hugest draw back in mass rearing of BSF is the ability to produce a sustainable number of eggs. In order to achieve this, it is important to understand their mating behavior in relation to their surroundings. Several studies have shown that reproductive success is influenced by various factors such as; relative humidity, temperature, intensity of light, number of adult flies, space and cage size. In tropical countries where sunlight is available throughout the year, reproduction becomes more efficient and sustainable. In temperate regions on the other hand, rearing is carried out under artificial light sources. The mating process usually occurs two days after the insects emerge from the pupa. The male flies rely on light intensity to detect the presence of a female. The insects’ body formations are then aligned in opposite directions during the process. After that the female fly oviposits eggs on the provided ovitrap. The female fly have sharp abdominal tips and ovipositor ...