The hugest draw back in mass rearing of BSF is the ability to produce a sustainable number of eggs. In order to achieve this, it is important to understand their mating behavior in relation to their surroundings. Several studies have shown that reproductive success is influenced by various factors such as; relative humidity, temperature, intensity of light, number of adult flies, space and cage size. In tropical countries where sunlight is available throughout the year, reproduction becomes more efficient and sustainable. In temperate regions on the other hand, rearing is carried out under artificial light sources.
The mating process usually occurs two days after the
insects emerge from the pupa. The male flies rely on light intensity to detect
the presence of a female. The insects’ body formations are then aligned in
opposite directions during the process. After that the female fly oviposits
eggs on the provided ovitrap. The female fly have sharp abdominal tips and
ovipositor lines which aid in laying the eggs. The eggs are usually laid in the
afternoon when sunlight intensity has gone down after which the female insect
will die.
The picture shows the mating process in black soldier flies.
交尾は通常、昆虫がさなぎから出てから 2 日後に行われます。オスのハエは、光の強さでメスの存在を検出します。昆虫の体の形成は、プロセス中に反対方向に整列します。その後、メスのハエは提供された卵管に卵を産み付けます。メスのハエには、卵を産むのに役立つ鋭い腹部の先端と産卵管があります。卵は通常、日差しが弱まる午後に産卵し、その後メスは死にます。