There is a first time for everything (RAHIMA)

 Today was my first time in a rice paddy field and I must say the experience was beyond amazing. We left Tsuruoka for Kahoku farm at 5.00am and it took us about two hours to get there. Our Sensei briefed us on the activity of the day which was mainly sampling spiders from the rice paddy fields. The moment I stepped into the paddy and felt my foot sinking I was a bit shaken (thank God for the knee high boots) but I got used to the paddy condition pretty soon and started enjoying the sampling process. I trapped a lot of spiders in some of the sampling region and a few in others.

Despite the really hot weather I must say I really enjoyed the activity. We finished sampling before mid-day and our Sensei was kind enough to spoil us to a variety of treats where I got to try eel for the first time...mmhh very delicious! The journey back was wonderful and I really enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way. We snuck in a few minutes to see the famous and breath taking Jionji three storied pagoda in Sagae




Locust as a source of food and feed (Rahima)

Full vaccination(Sagae)