Black Soldier Fly Development and Business (Arya)

Black soldier fly is now a research and business trend in various countries. These small animals are important because of their ability to reduce waste and produce biomass. I've been thinking for a long time before becoming a master's student to start a business with BSF. Currently, I continue to learn about how to produce quality products and also the BSF business mechanism. I attended several trainings, webinars and also consulted with people in their fields. I hope one day my dream will come true. Based on the results of the training I attended, BSF's business was very profitable. Indeed, some things require large costs such as place, labor and other things. In addition, the feed is sometimes difficult if there is no separation from the type of waste. The thing that makes BSF a business prospect is that not only as a producer of compost but also pupae from BSF we can make animal feed. For now, I will continue to study and experiment in the lab and develop the BSF in the lab.




Locust as a source of food and feed (Rahima)

Full vaccination(Sagae)