Recently, I saw golden apple snail eggs for the first time. The apple snail eggs looked unusual to me since they were brightly-colored, pink-reddish. The bright color is apparently thought to act as a visual deterrent to predators while a study published one of these proteins known as PcPV2, is a neurotoxin with a lethal effect on the central nervous system of mice and the new research demonstrates that this substance is pretty unusual in number of ways or instance its structure is of a type known as' AB Toxins 'which were previously known only in certain bacteria and plants, and represents the first record of a defense system employed by plants against predators in an animal. AB toxins tend to be ingested orally and can remain active after passing through the gastrointestinal tract of higher animals where extremes of pH restrict the activity of some other types of toxin. This suggests that the protein evolved in order to convene a survival advantage to the eggs resulted in absence of predators as well as, unknown from similarities between toxic plant seeds and poisonous eggs. This may also provide evidence as to why Apple Snails are able to colonize new habitats so successfully according to various studies .