
1月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

Go abroad in corona situation(Sagae)

 Many events or like things have canceled by corona. I also already canceled going abroad a few months ago. But recently, the university announced that starting application of funds for study abroad finally. It is very good news for me even the corona situation. Study abroad is one of the most important aims of my master's course. However, nobody knows we will able to go abroad or not actually. Really really, unfortunately, happened this matter during the student period. Often I just think like "Why now". But I must not miss the opportunity. I am struggling with what should I do to be great student life even in a situation.  コロナによって様々なイベントなどが中止になりました。自分も数か月前に予定していた海外渡航をキャンセルしています。しかし最近ようやく留学支援プログラムの申請が大学でも始まりました。コロナ禍の中でこれは朗報です。しかし果たして本当に行けるのかどうかはわかりません。留学は院進学にあたって最も重要視している目標です。本当に運悪く学生時代にこんなことが起きてしまいました。なぜ今なのか?と思うばかりです。こんな状況でより良い学生生活にはどうするべきかと悩まされる日々が続きます。


This month our university decided to lockdown again, and we should work from home. This month I came to the lab only several times for snail maintenance and so on. It is because coronavirus infection is increasing in Yamagata Prefecture. This month was very difficult due to not only snow but also mental problems that I couldn't touch directly with people, longer time spent at home, and increased electricity and water bills. I must do it as against COVID-19 infection. I heard many of my relatives in Indonesia are infected by Corona Virus. It was making me more aware of this virus with some prevention activities such as stay at home as much as I can, avoid a crowded place, wearing a mask when I am going outside, social distancing, limiting myself to meet people. Then I consulted with my aunty and she is a doctor in epidemiology studies and she said of course what I did is good things to do but she said the most important is healthy food and mental condition. Healthy food is very impo...

The sunset in shonai (Sato)

  Halichoeres tenuispinis is one of the very common fishes at the seashore in the Shonai region. As I am the one who really likes catching small fishes, I met them so often. Well, it would be too much to count, I think. It is likely to see them in a couple, and in a group especially when they are juveniles. Juveniles have an interesting mark on their back fin, and it seems that sunset on the Shonan coast. When you want to see the sunset here, which is relatively famous compared with other sunsets in Japan, just remember the fin of this beautiful and small fish. The one I have in my aquarium is too large to see it, and now it seems he (This fish changes from female to male during its development) is now sleeping and hiding his fin.  ホンベラは、ここ庄内の海岸でよく見かける小魚です。養魚には特徴的な斑文が尾びれに見られ、まるで日本海に沈む夕日のように見えることも。。。それしても養魚から成魚まで実に多くの本種をこれまでに見かけたものです。ふと水槽を覗くときままに寝ているので、まぁ起こさないように、起こさないように。

Canal of field in front of yamagata university (Ishikawa)

  Now, I am making research plan for graduation thesis as I have only 3 months until I become 4 th grade student. I decided to investigate aquatic creatures inhabit in the canal in front of yamagata university and their habitat. Canal is usually regularly managed by people. But that canal has been not managed for long time. then much soil has accumulated and many weeds have flourished in the canal. This situation differs from other canals. And environment vary depending on place to place in that canal, then distributions of aquatic creatures probably vary also. So, I investigate how that canal is consisted and how aquatic insects live in each place. Recently I do not research the canal because of heavy snow. I am thinking about starting research on early march. 3 年生も残り 3 か月となり、現在私は卒業論文の研究の計画をしています。私は山形大学前の圃場にある水路内の水生生物の生息状況について調べることにしました。通常、水路は水路としての機能を維持するために定期的な管理がなされます。しかし今回調査の対象にした水路は長年管理がなされておらず、多量の土が堆積していたり、雑草が繁茂していたりしています。これは一般的な水路内の環境とは極めて異なります。また、同じ水路内でも場所により環境条件が全く異なり、生き...

Lockdown again(Saito)

  Becoming new year, the number of people infected COVID virus is increasing in japan. So, regulation from Yamagata university is changed to take measures that situation. Lecture with using zoom had been started from Last May until October. After October, university restarted usual lecture. But becoming this year university decided student cannot enter the university without some exception and almost all lectures were conducted by zoom. So, this situation is like first semester. But we can see some improvement like we can use desk in library (Previously, we have to stand reading because there were no available chair and desk). And we can see lectures go smoothly. It passed about 1 year from COVIT virus was discovered. I think we are becoming to adapt to this life style. 新年に入り全国的にはコロナウイルス感染者数が増え、学校のコロナウイルスに対する対策も昨年のものから変化ました。去年は5月から zoom での授業が始まり、 10 月から対面授業に戻りました。ですが今年1月からは zoom を使った遠隔授業になり基本的には大学の立ち入りも禁止になり、前期と似た状態になりました。今回の学校の対応は図書館の机が使えたり(前期はコロナ対策のため椅子に座れず立ち読みするしかなかった)前回から改良されてい...

What the heavy snow taught me (Li)

  The winter in Tohoku area is very serious. Although my parents came from hot or tropical area, my favorite season is winter. Pure air and calm atmosphere make me relax. But the only thing I cannot stand is this heavy snow. This hateful snow prevent almost all of my living. It still doesn't matter as long as blocking my walking path. But they definitely crush the means of transportation. At the end, even water, which is the keystone of life, is taken away. On this three-day holiday snow covered Tsuruoka city. Unfortunately, I had run out of food, so I decided to go out to get some food. But the car was rejected by the snow and did not allow me to go far at all. And on the third day, the water stopped. These three days have taught me the fear of being robbed of useful things and the importance of preparation. Fortunately, the snow was clear today and the water will recover tonight. In terms of natural environment, here seems to be a polar region where humans cannot live. The human ...

Cold morning(Sagae)

 Stuck in bed. It is the current situation in the morning I woke up. I switch on the air conditioner with the remote control and the room warms up, finally, I start to move. It seems to be the same as my water beetles in my room. When the room is cold, they stay at the bottom of the tank or chink, and less activity. I see they are moving, and start the engine for my day also. ※Actually, It is not good for them because they are exposed to different temperature cycles from the natural environment of the water body. 朝起きると寒すぎて全く体が動かない、という日が続きます。リモコンで暖房のスイッチを入れ部屋が温まるとやっと動き出します。うちのゲンゴロウたちも同じのようです。部屋が冷え切ってると彼らも水槽の底や隙間でじっとしています。そんな彼らが動き出す姿をみて自分も一日の始まりにエンジンをかけています。 ※自然環境と違う温度サイクルに晒しているので本当は良くない


  As humans we are gifted by a feeling. Not only happiness, but there is always a feeling of sadness or despair. This is what makes us calling as human. Even sometimes I also feel that way and it remind myself that I am a human being. A few days ago, the snow started melt and there was a box near my experiment site. The box contains a mini ecosystem consisting of soil, algae, rice weeds, several types of freshwater snails and insects. At that time, I measured the temperature of the soil and water then the thermometer showed the current soil temperature was 0.6 degrees Celsius and the water temperature was 0.5 degrees Celsius. The interesting thing I got was that I saw a damselfly larva (odonata) trying to eat Physa acuta (freshwater snail). What I saw in that time Physa acuta was very struggle to survive from cold environment and predator. It makes us think, damselfly as antagonist character and Physa acuta as protagonist character in human life also same like that. Sometime we fe...