
2月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

Article Review : Blue-Green Algae and Rice(Sagae)

 Blue-Green algae are known common species in Japan. But study or information is limited. If you want to get information about it, you should read this textbook "Blue-Green Algae and Rice". Good points of this book are we can know not only fundamental things but also related agriculture especially paddy fields.  I got some hints for my study. Such as the suitable environment, the possibility of nitrogen source, and so on. However study of "algae and animals" are still limited. It is an interesting topic because algae play a primary producer in ecology. I will continue to research blue-green algae to contribute to human society.  日本においてアオミドロはよく知られた藻類です。しかしその生態の情報や研究は限られています。もしアオミドロについて知りたいのであれば”Blue-Green Algae and Rice"を読むべきです。この本のいい点は、アオミドロの基本情報だけでなく農業に関連した、特に稲作に焦点をあてて書かれているところです。私もこの本からアオミドロの好適環境や窒素源としての可能性など、いくつかヒントを得ています。しかし「生き物とアオミドロ」に関連した研究は少ないです。アオミドロは生態系内では生産者としての役割を担っており、その関係性の研究は非常に面白いトピックだと思います。アオミドロの人間社会への貢献を目指して研究を続けていきたいです。

The story that rice cooker is convenient (Li)

  A rice cooker is a very convenient machine. I think almost all students who cook on a daily basis have this one. Actually this rice cooker, however, has various uses other than cooking rice. You can make “Kakuni” (boiled pork), boiled eggs, cakes, etc. by function of the slow cooker side. Especially the heat retention function is excellent, so you can make roast beef, which meat can be cooked at low temperature, and also you can make yogurt because this temperature is just right for fermentation. So I tried to make bread by taking advantage of these two points. By using the heat retention function, the fabric swells firmly, so I think it was quite effective. This time, the dough was finally crushed and the bread did not become fluffy. Probably it took too much time for the secondary fermentation. Hard bread also has a use, so this time I cut it into thin slices and made it a hot sandwich. Next, I want to try making a cake. 炊飯器はとても便利な機械です。日常的に料理をする大学生ならほとんど持っていると思います。しかしこの炊飯器、実はご飯...

Article Review : Paddy field biodiversity in the winter (Arya)

  A long time before I know about winter, I used to think all animal in the winter were hibernate. But, after my research I am realizing every animal have their own mechanism to survive during winter such as freshwater snail. Interestingly, freshwater snail still active during winter such as S. libertina and P. acuta Those species easily found in irrigation canals and paddy field area. How they can survive overwinter? The answer is water. Water become important factor of their survival in the winter. I think not just freshwater snail but also other aquatic animal in the paddy field this system could decrease the biodiversity time by time. I read some article showed that since 2008 Japan committed to protect the biodiversity (Mitsuko Iwai, 2011) mainly in paddy Field. This article mentioned many researches, farmer even NGO did some researches to list the number of living organisms in the paddy field around 5668 include animal, algae, fungi, virus and so on. Now,my research is relat...

Adaptation (Sato)

 Our lab has been well adapting to the situation. Basically, we do not go to our lab for study, but for experiments and maintaining animals only. It gives us more time to work, more and more. These days, our seniors are so busy with graduation thesis, and today they are working on the oral presentation from the early morning. My task is to control them to work efficiently, and revision of drafts, and so on. We use dropbox, line, WhatsApp, zoom....well some say because online students get depressed, but in our lab, all seem OK. What is important, is an adaptation, and then it becomes a chance for us. この状況下で我々の研究室は実によくやっていると思われます。オンラインの弊害は、例えば学生がうつになったり、人と会えなくて寂しいなど、よく言われています。しかし、適応していくことで、それをチャンスに変えれるかもしれません。研究室運営は大分変りまして、今は勉強をしに研究室に行くことは少なく、実験や生きものの世話のみです。オンラインツールを使うことで、より自由に効率的に勉強を、どこでもできるようになりました。すごいもんだなぁ、そう思います。世界中どこでも、家でも外でも、野原でも、今までより効率的に仕事ができるなんて、私が学生の頃には、というか1年前は想像もできませんでしたねぇ。

Where are you looking from? (Li)

 国際交流グループでお話しをしていたとき、面白いトピックを見つけました。 私は「あなたは〜を持ってないの?」と聞いてみました。日本人の学生が「うん( Yes )、〜は持ってないよ。」と答えました。留学生が「いや( No )、持ってないよ。」と答えました。もちろん、正しいのは後者です。しかし、考えさせられるポイントがあります。英語では答えは、「はい」または「いいえ」に続く文が肯定的であるか否定的であるかによって決定されます。この文法は日本でも勉強しますが、どちらが正しいか時々混乱することがあります。日本語では、質問の内容が正しいかどうかで決まるからです。この問題を見たとき、私はある質問を思い出しました(下の図)。これらの UFO は向かって来ていますか、それとも去って行っていますか?あなたが東洋人なら「来る」と答え、西洋人は「去る」と答えると言われています。この違いは、あなたが立っている視点から来ています。西洋は自分の立場から見ていますが、東洋は相手の視点から見ています。ですから、「はい」か「いいえ」かという答えは、西洋人は自分が言うことに依存していますが、東洋人は相手が言ったことによります。日本語で西洋人と同じような会話をするのも面白いかもしれません。   I found an interesting topic when I had a chat in the international group. I asked them "Don't you have~?". A Japanese student answered me "Yes, I don’t have~." and a foreign student answered me "No, I don't.". Of course, the latter is right. But there is a thought-provoking point. The answer is determined by whether the sentence following "Yes" or "No" is affirmative or negative in English. Although t...

Aquatic creatures in winter season (Ishikawa)

  I joined Arya san field activity for his experiment on last Friday and today. Today, we went to field in Yutagawa and Oyama to collect snails such as mud snails and kawanina. First, we went to Yutagawa, but no creatures in there we could check. Then we went to Oyama we went last Friday. We could found aquatic creatures like last Friday, but we could collect few snails because it is difficult to collect them due to snow and strong wind. We will go to Oyama again when weather is fine. Today was so cold that my hands and foots were almost frozen. In these activities, we could find not only snails but also loaches and spider. I was impressed that these creatures survive in canal in such a very cold condition. 先週の金曜日からアリヤさんの実験の手伝いをしています。カワニナやタニシといった巻貝類を採集するために今日は湯田川と大山地域の水路に行きました。最初に湯田川に行ったのですが採集できそうなところには水生生物がいませんでした。その次に先週の金曜日にも行った、大山地域の水田に行きました。先週同様水生生物が見られたのですが、今日はあいにくの雪と強風で採集が非常に困難で、わずかな数の巻貝しか採集できませんでした。また天気の良い日にもう一度大山の水路に行く予定です。それにしても今日は非常に寒かったです。作業中は手足が凍りそうでした。これまでの採集で、巻貝だけでなく、...

Black Soldier Fly in winter (Saito)

These days I captured BSF from chicken compost. Last autumn I collected BSF also. But the BSF residence seems to be different from autumn. In winter, the positions BSF lives were not so strong smell. But, in autumn I collected from some stinking place. In autumn I collected BSF pupae from compost surface. In winter season they were in compost around 10cm from surface. Then, I wondered in winter season BSF need high temperature to survive. But I found BSF pupae at edge of compost. That depth was almost 1~5cm. I do not know why this happened. So, I will read journal related BSF in winter season.  アメリカミズアブを最近、鶏糞堆肥から捕まえてきました。秋近くにも1度ミズアブを採取したのですが、冬になりミズアブのいる場所が変化していると感じました。冬場のミズアブの大多数はコンポストの深さ約5㎝ぐらいのところにいました。そして臭いの強い場所にはほとんどいなかったように感じました。秋に採取したときはほとんどのアメリカミズアブの蛹が地表に出ていました。また、臭いの強弱に関係なく存在しているように思えました。冬場で温度も低いからコンポスト内の温度の高い場所に移るのだろうと思っていたのですが、コンポストの横にこぼれた堆肥の深さ 1-5 ㎝の場所にもミズアブがいたのでどのような理由で雪の近くにいるのだろうと疑問に思いました。そのため、今後はミズアブの越冬の論文を探してみたら面白いのではないかと思っています。  

Journal Introduction: The Invasive of Pomacea canaliculata in Indonesia (ARYA)

  Recently, I found interesting journal for me about “the invasive of apple snail Pomacea canaliculata in Indonesia: in Lake Rawa Pening” this journal written by Mrs. Ristiyanti (LIPI, Indonesia), Mr. Heryanto  (LIPI, Indonesia) and Mr. Joshi (CABI) and published in 2020. This journal showed us some effect of invasive species threat native species population. Well, before I am explaining the interesting part of this journal better to explain first the different of this species. Golden apple snail, P. canaliculata , is an invasive species from South America. It was distributed in many parts of the world including Indonesia. Golden apple snail sometime become trouble for rice plant production as they can consuming paddy seedling. Pink is the colour of their egg and we can see the eggs in the plant parts above the water area. This is their strategy to survive from some predator. So, how about Indonesia native species? Indonesia native snail is Pila scutata . Indonesia native snai...