New year (Sato)
A happy new year. How many times I said these words today, even in the greenhouse I said faculty stuff, and after the snow removal I said to our security stuff, and I thought, this is good words, and really thought I have to make this year a really happy new year. The big difference between the best one and others is the power of self-management. After the decision keeps doing and really make it. How many times we said "I am sorry"."Because I did not know it".That is OK, as the human usually say so and we are human. However, I keep thinking and enjoy. あけましておめでとう、とはとてもいい言葉です。それに何回も言います。特に今日は。メールやライン、さらに口頭でももちろん。家で雪かき、ご近所に挨拶、大学でも雪かき、大学スタッフに挨拶、守衛さんにも挨拶。昨日の大晦日を経て思うのは、今年も相変わらず自己管理の大切さ。この力がその人の人生を決定するとも言える。気持ちを新たにします。