
12月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

New year (Sato)

 A happy new year. How many times I said these words today, even in the greenhouse I said faculty stuff, and after the snow removal I said to our security stuff, and I thought, this is good words, and really thought I have to make this year a really happy new year. The big difference between the best one and others is the power of self-management. After the decision keeps doing and really make it. How many times we said "I am sorry"."Because I did not know it".That is OK, as the human usually say so and we are human. However, I keep thinking and enjoy. あけましておめでとう、とはとてもいい言葉です。それに何回も言います。特に今日は。メールやライン、さらに口頭でももちろん。家で雪かき、ご近所に挨拶、大学でも雪かき、大学スタッフに挨拶、守衛さんにも挨拶。昨日の大晦日を経て思うのは、今年も相変わらず自己管理の大切さ。この力がその人の人生を決定するとも言える。気持ちを新たにします。

Crow melon (Sato)

 Trichosanthes cucumeroides is Cucurbitaceae family, sort of cucurbits, such as pumpkin, watermelon. Its Japanese name, Karasu-uri, means crow melon. When Japanese add animal to the name of the plants it means not good for eating. Anyway, the melon I found on the way of my regular waking. In the winter time, all others surrouding the melong died, and the melon has been left alone. But it seemed that they missed the timing of being eaten by their customers. Now no one take it, and it is just waiting for being decomposed. Every fluit has the aim. I believe this melon also have achieved something. カラスウリを見かけると、私は立ち止まりしげしげと観察することもしばしば。昔からなぜか好きなんだよね。季節によって色合いを変え、周りの雑草が枯れると急に目立ちだす。このウリは食べられなかったみたいだけど、きっと何か目的を達成できたと、私は信じる。

Cave-cricket (Sato)

As its name shows, they live in such a habitat. However, where I saw him, well this is a male adult, interestingly they have no wings, anyway, is not a cave. On the outside wall of the basement of my house, and it was a night of some very chilly days of this winter, he was staying there. As it was very cold such poikilotherm could not move. Even their antenna never moves at any of 0.1mm even after disturbed by me. I did not know his fate that night, but It obviously seemed the situation was not very easy for him. How beautiful and brave those hardly living in such nature, and this is the same for all creatures. ここ数日の寒さがようやく和らいだ鶴岡ですが、先日、、あれはちょうど大雪が降った日でしょうか、カマドウマのオスを見かけました。英語では洞窟コウロギみたいな名前なんですが、この写真は洞窟で撮ったわけではなく、私の家の軒下で。寒さでまったく動くことができませんでした。触覚を触ってみましたが、その気配はありませんでした。それにしてもこの状況は、とても厳しそうに見えましたし、このような状況下で生きる彼らに敬意といいますか、勇気がもらえたといいますか、どうでしょう、、、とても美しく尊いものに思えたのは言うまでもありません。

UNPAD conference(Saito)

  December 17 th  and 18 th  I and some laboratory member participated UNPAD conference. This conference is held two days. 1 st  day I listen 4 presentation from Prof Ph.D and Dr. They talked related to climate change. The next program was presentation by student. They talked their thesis. There were a lot of topic and I feel it is like Graduation thesis conference(In yamagata University B4 student make presentation for B2, B3 and Prof). I saw many research and I was interested in it. But some presentations I could not understand. So, I feel I should study terminology which used in facility of agriculture. The 2 nd  day I listen 3 presentation from Ph.D related their study. I study a lot of things from two days. And this two day was very interesting for me. Finally, there are closing. While this time, They give Sagae  an an award as Best Presenter. Congratulations!  12 月 17 日と 18 日に研究室メンバーと UMPAD の会議に出席しました。この会議は 2 日間開催され、初日は 4 人の先生方から気候変動に関するプレゼンテーションがありまし...

Cold winter(Ishikawa)

  It is mid-December, finally started snowing in Tsuruoka city. I am planning to research the situation in the canal in the field in front of the university during winter. The other days, I did pre-research in the canal in snowing and coldness told on my body. Today also, it was snowing a lot and I cleaned the snow covering greenhouse. It was very cold! But we have to remove the snow on the greenhouse. Because roof of greenhouse is broken if a lot of snow accumulates. By the way, this time is the last of my post this year. This year flew by and there are only two weeks in this year. In this laboratory, I can experience many things. Today, I did presentation in Sato sensei lecture and participated in international seminar held by foreign university online. But my ability is still low. I will study harder next year and also want to speak English well. 12 月の中旬になり、鶴岡ではとうとう雪が降り始めました。これから、大学の圃場にある水路内の冬季の状況を調査する予定でいます。つい先日には雪が降る中予備調査を行ったのですが、手が凍りつきそうなほど寒くとてもこたえました。今日も朝にかなりの雪が降り温室の雪かきを行いまし...

Crayfish (Sagae)

 A survey of the campus's canals is planned as a research activity for labs or B3 students. I remember fishing for crayfish summers one ago and being amazed at the density of crayfish. In Japan, the word "crayfish" most often refers to the American crayfish. When we sweep canals and wetlands use a net for research, we almost always find crayfish in nets. They are a powerful invasive species, and the ecosystems they invade are absolutely devastated. The rich ecosystem that existed in the first place will never come back. However, they have been in Japan for quite a long time and have got a social status that makes it hard to believe that they are an alien species, thanks to that they have successfully established in the Japanese ecosystem. Many of you may have memories of fishing for crayfish with dried squid when you were a childhood. I can say it is almost as popular as the beetle. In Japan, there is a native crayfish called that originates from Japan. The Japanese crayf...


  Now in my apartment I have one small aquarium. This aquarium has 5 medaka fish, 2 kawanina, 1 mudsnail and 3 P hysa acuta . Not just animal but I put two plants here. This aquarium looks so nice at first as the plant very lush But after I put kawanina and Physa they started to eat my plant. Now the plant starts to bare as the leaves eaten by them and they also decompose the leaves. Well, it makes me think, this creature can enhance the nutrient release also nutrient cycle but very good to control the weed. Is it will harmful for paddy? I think no, as in my aquarium only have two types of plant. First plant is broad leaves and second like pine, but they only eat broad leaves. So, Physa and Kawanina is very good snails same as mudsnail. 今私のアパートには小さな水族館が1つあります。 この水族館には、メダカ5匹、カワニナ2匹、タニシ1匹、カワニナ3匹がいます。 動物だけでなく、ここに2つの植物を置きました。 この水族館は、植物がとても青々と茂っているので、最初はとても素敵に見えますが、カワニナとフィサを入れた後、彼らは私の植物を食べ始めました。 今、植物は葉が彼らによって食べられるにつれて裸になり始め、彼らはまた葉を分解します。 まあ、それは私に思わせます、この生き物は栄養素の放出も栄養素のサイクルを高めることができますが...


  “WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF SOUVENIR IN JAPAN”   At first, do you know the origin? I do not know until searching in this article. The culture started from Edo era. People at the time go to Ise to worship at Ise Grand shrine in Mie prefecture. But they do not afford to go there, so gather money for representative. After worship, they brought board to stick note from Shrine to the people in village. The board calls “Miyage” in Japanese. As the number of people who visit the shrines increases, it becomes impossible. Then stores that sell alternatives as "souvenirs" have developed in front of the gates, such as in front of shrines. Mochi, dumplings, and buns have come to be known as "specialties".   This is the origin. The fundamental idea is same as now. Souvenir is for the people cannot come to the place, but more religious meaning.   “お土産の起源とは(日本)”  お土産の起源ってご存知ですか。私はこうして調べるまで知りませんでした。この文化は江戸時代に始まったようです。伊勢神宮にお参りに行く際、貧しさのため代表者を決め、代行してもらっていたそうです。そこで代表者は神社からもらうお札を...

Regular meeting today (Sato)

We do have a regular meeting every week evening by zoom. Today we had 7 participants, all of those currently stay in Tsuruoka, where our faculty locates. Our member is interesting. Saito is one of our B3 students, and we have two of them. In lab. Saito was not good at talking in the meeting, but after spending several months he has changed much. Amazingly he now can speak pretty well in English, well...although he still has some difficulties sometimes, but it is very improving. Ishikawa also, another B3 student, has been suffering from much training for a talk in our lab, and finally, he is achieving something. I wish good luck for all of them and hopefully, they will find a good job for their life, cheers. はい、そんな感じで研究室ミーティングはつつがなく、ズームで、オンラインで行われます。本日の参加者、ついさっき終わったばっかりですが、全部で7名。それにしても、若い人の成長は目を見張るものがって、特に一番若い3年生、まず斎藤君、最初は全くしゃべれなかったけど、今は見違えるように成長しました。見た目もすごくスマートになって。たぶん研究室の中で、いちばん綺麗にしてるんじゃないか?石川君も結構頑張ってます。二人とも英語すごくしゃべるようになったし、まぁこのまま頑張って欲しいもんだね。メンバー全員に幸あれと祈らずにはいられない。みんな好きな仕事に就くんだよ。ちなみにうち...