
11月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

Winter Experiment (Arya)

  Winter will coming sooner, this year I have research in the winter again related survivorship of freshwater snails overwinter. Last week I came to two different place and it is same as like year Oyama area and Yutagawa area. This year I can find many snails mainly mudsnail and kawanina in both area same like last year but for Physa acuta now hard to find. I think it is because the amount of the water.  Physa acuta  is very depend on the present of the water and this year the water in the field is so limited. I also surprised with the present of kawanina in the paddy field as usually kawanina stay in the canals. This is very interesting situation, I want to know it more, what type of soil or place is suitable for kawanina. 冬はもうすぐ来るでしょう、今年私は冬に再び淡水カタツムリの越冬の生存に関連した研究をしています。 先週、大山エリアと湯田川エリアの2か所に来ました。 今年は、昨年と同じように両方の地域で、主にBellamya chinensis(タニシ)とSemisulcospira libertina(カワニナ)を中心に多くのカタツムリを見つけることができますが、Physa acutaでは見つけるのが難しくなっています。 水の量が原因だと思います。 サカマキガイは水の存在に大きく依存しており、今年は畑の水が非常に...

Cleaning is one of good educations(Shirai)

 The winter is approaching us, getting colder day by day. We start to cleanup around our environment such as greenhouse, storage, field. Especially field we did weed with a mower together. That is finish. Now just wait snowing. But the storage and greenhouse does not finish. So every week we fight with dust and our tiredness to prepare winter. This photo is the condition in outside storage. It become different with before, some meaningless tools stored but removed or discarded.   冬が近づき、日に日に寒くなっています。研究室ではグリーンハウスや倉庫、圃場の掃除を始めています。特に圃場は協力して除草を行ったので、冬の準備は完了です。ただ、他2か所はまだです。なので、毎週のようにゴミたちや私たちの疲れと格闘しています。写真は掃除中の倉庫の様子です。以前よりはだいぶきれいになりました。使っていないものは積極的に処分しました。   Anyway, how do you clean your room? This is a question. You just try without plan or with plan? This is the reason why I give this article the title "Cleaning is one of good educations".  ところで、掃除をする際は何を意識していますか?計画なしか、それとも計画性をもって取り組みますか?ここに私が題につけた”Cleaning is one of good educations”の意味が隠れています。   Please rec...

canal research (Saito)

Recently, It become cold in tsuruoka city. According to weather forecast, It will be snow in this weekend. We will research this canal to know what lives in this canal. This canal research is same previous Ishikawa san wrote. When we planed research there are a lot of weed. Now many of weed are dead. I think it makes easy to research. But I afraid the low temperature effect to the result. Actually, snails can see in autumn season. These days I went to canal I can’t find. However, look at from another perspective, I can research before snow piles up. I think that is interesting for me. 最近は気温が下がって今週末などは鶴岡付近でも雪が降るのではないかといわれています。今回は何の生物がここに住んでいるのかを調べる予定です。以前に石川さんが書いてくれた水路での調査です。調査地点も計画していた当初は草が生い茂っていましたが今はほとんどが枯れています。調査をするうえではやりやすくなったのでその点はうれしいのですが、寒くなってくると生物が移動するので結果に大きく影響するのではないかと少し心配もしています。しかしながら、それはそれで雪が積もる前の状況を調査できるので面白そうだと思っています。

Online works OK!! (SATO)

 This is the current condition of our insectarium in the lab. Several species of freshwater snails, and fishes, and some aphid also are what we are maintaining. 現在の研究室の、これは飼育室の様子です。アブラムシから貝まで、まぁいろいろいるんですよ。 Because every day one of the members visit here to check the condition and report by LINE. We have seminars, meetings, and every such meeting activity online. Before the covid, I was reluctant for online meeting, but nowadays, I really prefer this much. This is our meeting yesterday, you see there Earnest from Africa, and he was taking a walk to another place for his work. 当初はオンラインが嫌だったんだけど、今はむしろ好きです。便利。今は研究室のゼミもこんな感じで、海外から日本にこれないでいる人もいるから、まぁ多様で面白いですよ。アフリカの人で、カメルーンから参加してるアーネスト、どこ歩いてるんだ??   I asked him how far to get to the field for hyena, and the answer was too far, it would take 5 hours. Because of online, I have not been to any other countries, and it is unusual!! I visited too many countries in the last year, starting from Vietnam, then China, Indonesia, Germany, Spain, ...

TOEIC exam and Virus situation(Sagae)

We some of the lab member taken TOEIC exam last weekend in Kojirakawa campus. We have to take this exam to show English skills when job hunting or get some opportunity, like study abroad. In Japanese society, the score of TOEIC is so important.  By the way, I went to the Kkojirakawa campus to take this exam. I felt changing which the situation related to the coronavirus. I mean, it was not so tightly some regulation like keeping distance or measurement body temperature. Looking back, the exam in May had been canceled due to the coronavirus situation. I think in the past half year the atmosphere of society was changing surely. I can not determine this change is good or not for society or for us. Of course, there is a possibility to make an outbreak again. But this is true that all people wish to come back to normal life as sooner as possible very much. 先週末数人のラボメンバーと小白川キャンパスでTOEICを受けてきました。就活や留学時に英語力の指標としてTOEICは必須になっており現在日本の社会ではそのスコアは非常に重要な意味をもちます。 テスト開催時の小白川キャンパスの様子についてなのですが、コロナに関する諸...

Canal is an important habitat for aquatic creatures (Ishikawa)

When it is warm season, we can see many crayfishes and mud snails at the canal flows through the field in front of the university. It has been known that there are many aquatic creatures in canal flowing through field. But now, a lot of rubbish have been thrown away in several places of that canal. Dumping rubbish causes not only spoiling beautiful scenery but also pollution of water quality. If water is polluted, fishes are sensitive to environmental situation will lost their habitat. I do not know why some people do that. Dumping rubbish in canal intentionally is an illegal dumping. This is a crime. I hope many people consider their behavior for other creatures. 暖かい時期には大学の前の圃場を流れる水路でたくさんのタニシやザリガニを見ることができます。農地を流れる水路には多くの生物が生息しているのです。しかし草木に隠れて周囲から見えづらいような所には多くのゴミが投棄されています。水路等へのゴミの投棄は美しい景観を損なうだけでなく、水質の汚染にもつながります。水が汚染されれば、環境条件に敏感な魚類等は住処を失ってしまいます。どうしてこのようなことをするのでしょうか。ちなみに水路や河川に意図的にゴミを捨てるのは不法投棄に当たります。これは犯罪です。多くの人が身の回りの生き物のことを考えて行動してくれることを願います。

Winter is coming, How the animal can survive? (Arya)

  Now the temperature is going to low and several time here has some rain with ice. In our laboratory, mainly we study about animal ecology and winter is very interesting situation for us. We are really want to know how is the mechanism of some aquatic animal Can survive in the winter. Last year, I tried to some experiment and field survey around Tsuruoka. The temporary result was mudsnail can survive over the winter with buried them selves in the mud and move from paddy field to canals area as they looked for the Then, other creatures also have their mechanism and many of them gathered in the mud or followed the mudsnail. It is very interesting, Mudsnail is very important creature for others aquatic animal. But is it true? I will do this again to know more, more and more! Winter and animal is very interesting for me! 近頃は気温も低く、雨や霰の日が続いています。私達の研究室は主に動物の生態について研究していますが、そんな私達にとって冬はとても面白い状況を作り出してくれます。私達は水生生物が冬を生き延びるメカニズムにとても興味を持っています。昨年、私達は実験と野外調査を鶴岡で実施しました。その結果、タニシは泥の中で冬を生き延びることが分かりました...

My aquarium and beetles (Sagae)

 I have many aquariums in my dormitory room. Because I am rearing and breeding aquatic beetle as my hobby. So now my dormitory for aquatic beetle rather than me. There are 5 species in my room that included an uncommon one. Cybister Chinensis, Cybister brevis, Dytiscus dauricus, Hydaticus conspersus, Acilius japonicus . I have collected myself from somewhere ponds especially Tohoku region. I always enjoy finding a good pond or wetland that sweet for aquatic insects. So what is a "good pond"? This is my current interest things. Shounai region has one of the really rare aquatic beetle and a wonderful good environment. I hope such an environment will be saved permanently. 自分が住んでいる寮の部屋はゲンゴロウの飼育に使っているケースであふれかえっています。今ではもう人間のための部屋というよりゲンゴロウの飼育部屋になっています。ナミゲン、クロゲン、エゾゲンモ、オオイチモンジシマ、メススジの5種が部屋で泳いでいます。東北地方を中心に自分が採集してきたものです。ゲンゴウロウ池を探すのが楽しくて、どんな池が良いのかというのが最近の好奇心の向くところです。庄内地方は非常に貴重な種やそれらが生息できる素晴らしい環境がまだ残っています。そのような環境が人の手による環境の変化でこの先、失われることがないよう願うばかりです。

November public holidays in Japan (Saito)

11 月の日本の祝日は 11 月 3 日と 11 月 23 日にあります。 11 月 3 日は文化の日と呼ばれています。この日は「自由と平和を愛し、文化をすすめる日」として作られました。 1946 年 11 月 3 日は戦後の日本国憲法が公布された重大な日でした。また、明治天皇のお誕生日でもあり、戦前は明治節として休日でした。 11 月 23 日は勤労感謝の日です。この日は「 勤労をたっとび、生産を祝い、国民たがいに感謝しあう。 」このことを目的に作られました。公式では日本の一番最後の祝日です。日本人のほとんどが休みを取る大晦日がありますが実は日本では休日を決める法律にその日は入っていません。 November public holidays in japan is November 3 rd and November 23 rd . November 3rd is called culture day. This holiday day is made for “love freedom and peace ,and promote culture”. After second world war, November 3 rd ,1946 people was announced the Constitution of Japan. Befor second world war this day was holiday as birth day of Emperor Meiji. November 23th is Labor Thanksgiving Day. This day is for ”respect for labor, Celebrate production, and thank each other ” . this day is final public holiday in the year in official. Almost People take a day off in December 31 st . But this day isn’t included Law on national holidays. 

Sato: Agricultural Ecology Lab Blog page has been moved to here 農業生態学分野ブログの移動完了

  The our blog page in wix.com has been moved to this site. This is the test page.  私たちのブログページが、Wixサイトからこちらに移動しました。この記事はテスト記事です。